Music Tech Class

This blog reflects my personal feelings and opinions toward my class assignments, class projects, and technology in general.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Dreamweaver as a Web Builder

I am very excited about CAI now that we're into the setting up domains/web design part of the class. I purchased my domain and a host back in January, but was previously too confused about the process of designing webpages in a format other than hand written HTML on the NYU Homepage to do anything with it.

The truth is, I already knew how to do 95% of what was necessary to start using my web host, and Dreamweaver is relatively simple to use, but what was completely dumbfounding me was that 5% that I didn't know. Mostly that's because that 5% included precisely HOW to start using Dreamweaver and SAVING FILES to the right folders (both on my own computer and on my web host's folders), and UPLOADING the files to my web host.

Uploading my pages from my computer to the web host actually turned out to be quite the trial and error process. Things would "look" like they loaded onto my web host's directory, but they'd be blank when I looked at them. Have you ever wanted to scream at your computer? I did!!!!! But then I calmed it turns out, those "5% mystery" items turned out to be the things necessary to have absolutely correct to upload my files to the web. I basically had done a combination of things wrong as far as saving files goes, and on top of that I didn't have the correct information saved in Dreamweaver regarding my FTP connection information. Once I figured that out though - it's smooth sailing from there!

So, I have successfully used Dreamweaver to create the first draft of It's not the coolest website ever (yet, anyway) but it's the general information that I want to make available and it's the general format I would like to use. My index page is temporary because I want to have a really cool flash movie and music and stuff, but for now at least I have something up. Check it out if you're bored!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

My Website Ideas

Over spring break I made an investment in my computer education - I purchased two books. One is on Dreamweaver 8, the other is on Flash 8. Why purchase a paperback book when I can probably find all my answers online in tutorials, you ask? Well..... I've tried to do some tutorials, and I find it a little frustrating to continually switch computer program windows, especially if I don't immediately "get" the concept at hand. Maybe I'm just old fashioned, but to me, the book is easier.

I'm really excited about my books because they seem like they will take me far in developing a website. My goal is to have a really cool Flash based index page including a cool Flash movie, then develop the rest of the pages using Dreamweaver. This will allow me to learn the webpage development process using both programs. Watch out - is underway!!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Blogging for Performers, Part 1

I get the impression that we're supposed to find ways to tie blogging to music education in this setting. Although I am a music student in an educational institution, my mind does not instantly associate those things together. Maybe it's because we're trying to tie it to the academic side of music rather than the performance aspect. The majority of my day consists of either playing the flute, thinking about my practice/rehearsal sessions and ways to improve them, or studying music (either visually or aurally). Right now I see blogging only as a course requirement and I want to find a way that it can directly help me as a performer so that it might become more meaningful to me.

I suppose that one way blogging can help performers is by acting as a practice journal. Personally, I've always hated practice journals. The idea that I am supposed make up a schedule for what I want to do and follow it directly is a pain because often times it means that I don't spend enough time on things I really need to work on and I spend too much time to the point of boredom on other skills/pieces. I think practice should be based more on internal motivation, and I would rather work on music in order of significance or preference.

As much as I dislike the thought of keeping a practice journal blog, I do think that it could be beneficial for other musicians/flutists to read about my daily practice schedule. People might be curious about how other people spend their practice time. I know that I always find it interesting when famous flutists talk about their daily warm up patterns. I wouldn't say that it influences me too much with regard to my own - it's just interesting information to let my brain feast on for a bit.

With that same thought it mind, I would not be interested in hearing other people's comments about my own practice schedule. Maybe that's closed minded, but I think that practice is kind of personal and (assuming the person knows productive ways to practice) what is effective for one person can be completely counterproductive for another. I'm not really interested in someone else directly critiquing me about that. Maybe that's just me though. There's several highly educated musicians in this class (and 4 flute players nonetheless!), maybe you have something more to offer.

The concept of blogging as a practice journal is my only idea for now, but I plan to continue with this thread for at least one more post after I gather more ideas. I am definitely open to comments.