Music Tech Class

This blog reflects my personal feelings and opinions toward my class assignments, class projects, and technology in general.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

MP3 blogs DO exist, and now I have one!

In class last week we talked about how cool it would be to have mp3 blogs and comment on each other's work. What was a source of speculation for us at the time actually already existed! There's a lot of mp3 blogs out there, though most consist of lesser known music in the soul/reggae/hip hop generes. This link will take you to a site that has links to many many many mp3 blogs.

My very own mp3 blog can be accessed at

I have used mp3 blogging as my inspiration for my feed digest blog. Many podcasts are actually syndicated, so I have included my own mp3 blog, another person's mp3 blog, and two syndicated podcasts in the digest. Check it out!


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